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    • Cambridge Audio D-300
    24 bit,
    • Cabasse Fregate 300
    bookshelf monitor
    • Rotel RA-971
    60w x 2, int, 15 lbs
    • Audioquest CV-4

Comments 5

Showing all comments by sugarbrie.

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If the Rotel has a detachable power cord, get 2 while your at it. If you go to they are $3.25 each with $6 shipping. Model LCAC-90. If you have something in your house that has a fatter IEC cord, borrow it and try it first. We'll get you hooked on tweeking eventually, Ha!!!!


A 6 foot 14 guage (14-3) black detachable power cord is about $4. I have hands-on experience with every CD player Cambridge has made in the last 8 years, and the cord they give you is not very good.

The power that makes the speaker go starts in the wall. Just like computers: "gargage in, gargage out". Happy Listening and enjoy.


Get a better power cord for the Cambridge. Even a stardard black 14awg (14-3) cable is a big improvement over that thin thing Cambridge gives you.
