
I started planning the upgrade of my system in 2010, inconjunction with a renovation of our NYC apartment. My main listening room is the living room which is 29'x 20'. Due to space considerations all the equipment is in the living room which drives speakers oin 3 other rooms. The dining room/ kitchen is 20'x 16.5',the bedroom is 14'x 14' and my wife's office is 12'x 11'. The renovations were completed in 2012 when the system was set up by my dealer. The only changes in the system for 2013 have been the Wilson Alexia's from the Sasha in the living room, upgrading to Shunyata Zitron power cords from CX and purchasing the Klaudio record cleaner. I also changed my tonearm to the Spiral Groove Centroid from the Tri-planar. Changes in 2014 include Shunyata Triton power conditioner and Alpha Digital power cords. Both work as claimed.

I recently added a Shunyata Cyclops/Anaconda for my LAMM M1.2s, it did lower the noise floor and improved the imaging and dimensionality of the soundstage.

I just exchanged my Pass Labs X250.5 for the X250.8 amp. Initial impressions are positive ,improved base control meaning tighter and better defined, faster transients, better imaging and dynamics.

Just added a Shunyata Typhon to my Triton for my source components. The improvement is dramatic, a level of haze has been removed and the depth, dimensionality and transparency steps up a level or two.

I just received my Lyra Etna, it only has a few hours on it. Immediately you notice the dramatic increase in resolution, detail and speed compared to the Skala.

I upgraded fromTA Reference to Gen5 Reference XL signal cables, the improvement, brings the music to another level of realism, in added depth, space, speed, power and detail.

I traded in my Spendor ST speakers for the Wilson Sabrina's for my bedroom. The Sabrina's are excellent speakers full range, very good dynamics and life like imaging.

Room Details

Dimensions: 29’ × 19’  X large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Spiral Groove SG 1.2
    After owning a Linn LP12 for 30 years I got hooked on the SG2 after a demo by Allen Perkins at my dealer. Upgraded to the SG 1.2 in 2019
    • Spiral Groove Centroid
    An outstanding tonearm for this TT.
    • Lyra Etna
    Replaced my Lyra Skala
    • VTL TL 7.5 III
    The VTL TL 7.5 III was the perfect preamp in my situation. It has four main outputs, it works well with most other amps. Although it has a wide and deep soundstage and excellent tonality, it is very neutral and allows the characteristics of the amps to come through. Using TA XL Gen5 signal cables and Snake River Signature Hybrid Amp power cable
    • Lamm Industries LP2
    Using Transparent XL Gen5 RCA interconnects to the VTL and  Snake River Signature Amp cord
    • Lamm Industries M1.2
    The M1.2s drive Wilson Alexia's in the living room. I use Transparent XL Gen5 RCA interconnects, speaker cables and Opus G5 power cords
    • Pass Labs X250.8
    The X250.8 drives the Duette's in the dining room. I use Transparent Ultra Gen5 interconnects and in wall speaker cable and premium brick. Snake River Signature Amp Power cable.
    • Krell Evo2250e
    The Krell drives Wilson Sabrinas' in the bedroom using Transparent Ultra Gen5 XLR interconnects and in wall speaker cable. Power cable is Snake River Signature Amp
    • Linn Akurate 2200
    The Akurate drives the B&W ccm818 in ceiling speakers in my wife's office. I use Transparent Super Gen5 RCA interconnects, Transparent in- wall speaker cables and TA XL Gen5 power cable.
    • Wilson Audio Alexia's
    Alexia's are in my main listening room.
    • Wilson Audio Duette's
    Duette's are in the dining room and are driven by the Pass X250.8
    • Wilson Audio Sabrina
    The Sabrina's in bedroom are driven by the Krell Evo 2250e amp.
    • B&W ccm818
    B&W ccm818 in ceiling speakers in my wife's office.
    • Transparent Audio Gen 5 XL signal and Opus and XL power cables
    Signal cables on all primary components. Power cables on 7 components
    • T+A T 1210R
    Using Transparent Ultra Gen 5 RCA interconnects to the VTL and TA XL Gen 5 PC
    • Polk Audio SR-H1000
    Sirius Radio Tuner
    • VPI Typhoon HW-27
    • Klaudio KD-CLN-LP200.
    This is an ultrasonic record cleaner well built and simple to use.
    • Adona Corporation Signature
    The audio rack was custom ordered from Adona Corp. Highly recommended very competitive for the price.
    • Shunyata Venom PS8 and Venom HC power cord
    I use the PS8 for my less important digital source or noisy components.
    • Transparent Audio XLPower Isolator Gen 5
    • Computer Audio Design GC 1 and GC 3
    Use on source Aqua Formula xHD, Antipodes K50, VTL, Lamm LP2, Silent switch and 3 a/c outlets.
    • EdisCreation Linear PSU
    Powers ER and Verizon Mesh router in closet
    • UpTone Audio EtherRegen
    Streams from Fios Mesh Router located in closet to non audio connections. I use the A side of the ER only.
    • Network Accoustics Muon filter
    Muon filter is upstream to Antipodes K50
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
    I have 4 dedicated outlets 2 quad and 2 duplex. Using SR quad cover plates and Furutech GTX 106D
    • IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCKs
    • EdisCreation Black Diamond DC cables
    Use on main switch and filter
    • EdisCreation Fiber Box II Extreme and Standard version
    Upstream from the EC switches.
    • EdisCreation Silent Switch Extreme and Standard
    Extreme to K50 server and Standard from router
    • Clarus Sextet
    In closet for switches and router Use Clarus Crimson HC and source, and Snake River Signature Amp power cables
    • Antipodes Audio K50
    Uses Sablon Audio Evo AES/EBU cable to Aqua. Power cord is TA Opus G5
    • Clarus Crimson HC and source power cable
    To the wall from the TA power Isolator and Clarus Sextet. Source cords connect to EdisCreation switch and FiberBox to Sextet.
    • Snake River Audio Signature Hybrid Amp Power cable
    For VTL, Lamm LP2, EC Firebird and PSU, Krell and Pass Labs.
    • Sablon Audio AES/EBU DIGITAL CABLE
    K50 to Aqua Dac
    • Aqua Acoustics Formula xHD Dac
    Uses TA XL G5 signal cables and Opus G5 cord.
    • Critical Mass Systems Center Stage 2 and 2m
    • Sablon Audio Ethernet CAT 8
    From wall to switches and server
    • DH Labs Glass Master Toslink
    To Sirius tuner and Sony TV
    • DH Labs Ethernet
    From TV to EdisCreation switch. From router to EC FiberBox to Switch.
    • Sablon Audio AES/EBU XLR
    From K50 to Dac
    • EdisCreation Firebird LPS
    Powers the EdisCreation switch and Firebox on rack
    • Audio Sensibility Statement SE DC power cable
    From router to EC PSU closet

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Mark, Please post your impressions of the Etna for us. I have an SG 1.1 with Centroid and am considering the Etna. Had the Skala a while back. Hopefully you still own it to do a current analysis.
