
It was all about putting together a nice sounding starter system on a budget. Got the Parasound receiver and tape deck for $90, CDP for $50, speakers for $200. Look for Erica's name on AudioGon in 10 years!

Components Toggle details

    • Parasound R/HD-300II
    Nice little receiver
    • Kyocera DA-410cx
    nice single disc player
    • Parasound D/HX-550
    basic deck
    • Target TT-1
    Painted gloss black, with glass shelf
    • B&W DM-303
    6 in woofer, 1in tweeter

Comments 12

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I'm most of the way there, all-tube system with in-wall 'statics. Only challenge is keeping the stylus in-groove when we dive. more tinkering required...



I have three kids, the nine year old is the youngest and is last to receive a system. I know she'll love it, she's a very appreciative kid and quite artistic. My son who is now 12 has made mention of wanting a HT set up in his bedroom. Blasphemy! If he brings that up one more time I'll be forced to get him a turntable! Odd how their musical tastes change; he was into rap and lost interest in it (thankfully) and now seems fixated on Ozzy Osborne. Not a fan of Black Sabbath but seems to love Ozzy solo. Go figure.



I have twelve systems in all now, click on my Systems button and they're all there. I went to my boss' house yesterday, I have nothing compared to him. Unreal.

Sean & MWilson: I absolutely agree with you, the sooner they have something nice the sooner they learn to take care of their things. My kids have always respected my systems, and I promised myself as they grew older they would have a decent set up to enjoy music. I have all the stuff now (my kids don't even ask why I have extra gear strewn around, I suspect they're used to it by now) and the system will be installed in her bedroom on January 21st, Erica's ninth birthday. I'll install the TT1, run the speaker wires in the wall and mount the speakers using swivel wall-mounted supports. She'll come home from school and she'll have the gift of music awaiting her. I suppose I could be accused of spreading the disease?

p.s. I considered the dedicated lines and maybe some high end cables but as it it her mother is less than impressed with this stuff going in her little girl's room. Maybe next year? hehehehe
