
this room and system is the result of 10 years in High End audio. my system has been stable for a couple of years (except for transport and amplifier upgrades within the same brand). the room has been in the planning stage for about 18 months and i actually moved in a little over a month ago.

my audio philosphy is to have the system get out of the way of the event. i like as pure and simple a signal path as possible and, at this point, prefer passive to active gain stages. i love all the formats and enjoy having lot's of music.....vinyl is my favorite but i listen to at least 60% digital. the new room really reveals the benefits of SACD over redbook.

the system and room truely allow the event to be recreated before me. i love the way the speakers disappear and i am transported to another place/time.

i have choosen my cables, sources, amps, speakers to have as little of their own sound as possible.

recently, i upgraded my digtial transport from the modified Philips SACD 1000 to the new emmlabs CDSD.....this was a significant step upward in performance.

i have written an article in Positive Feedback regarding my room building is a link;

Room Details

Dimensions: 29’ × 21’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

Components Toggle details

    • Evolution Acoustics MM7's
    twin towers, main tower, 82
    • darTZeel NHB-468
    Mono block Amplifiers. 

    traded in my 458 amplifiers for the new version, the 468.
    • darTZeel NHB-18NS with 2 internal phono stages.
    battery powered preamp with 2 separate phono stages. uses BNC 'zeel' cables between pre and amps.
    • Evolution Acoustics 7.5 meter 'Zeel'
    7.5 meter pair of BNC cables from preamp to amps.
    • Evolution Acoustics 'System' speaker cables--10 feet
    new version of these cables, a big step over the amazing TRSC model i have used for 10 years. fantastic performance.
    • WADAX SA Reference DAC
    Wadax Reference Dac----state of the art dac with 2 separate power supplies. the best dac i have heard by a good margin. below is a link to a thread about my Wadax experience.
    • WADAX SA Reference Server with Akasa optical interface
    ultimate state of the art music server using Roon. includes the Akasa optical interface.
    • CS Port LFT1 turntable w/arm
    air bearing platter and air bearing linear tracking arm; string drive with zero feedback dc motor, low pressure, low flow air system with zero noise air box.

    world class musical flow, nuance and delicacy, combined with authority and ease. serves the music completely.
    • Esoteric T1 Turntable
    magnetic drive/rim drive idler turntable with torque adjustment.
    • Esoteric G1X Master Clock
    Master Clock Generator for speed improvement for the T1 turntable.
    • Wave Kinetics NVS
    direct drive turntable
    • Durand ---Two Tosca tonearms.
    gimbal bearing design. the finest tonearm i have heard.

    one Tosca on the Esoteric T1 turntable

    one Tosca on the Wave Kinetics NVS turntable
    • Primary Control 12" FCL tone arm
    Field Coil Loaded uni-pivot tone arm. with power supply.

    amazing natural and very high resolution tone arm. link below.
    • Durand Tonearms 12" Telos, wood arm wand
    12" tone arm, uni pivot.
    • Experience Music/Intact Audio phono corrector + silver wound MC Trio SUT combo for three different tonearms.
    bespoke tubed phono preamplifier. silver wound, with custom dual power supplies.
    • LFD -3- Phono Cables DIN to RCA
    3 sets of very high performance phono cables. amazing performance. built by Dr. Richard Bews in the UK.

    one cable uses a DIN to RCA short Dongle + an RCA to RCA interconnect. the Dongle improves the performance of the DIN connection. details at the link below.
    • DaVa Reference cartridge
    field coil cartridge. with tube power supply.
    • two Etsuro Golds, ---a pair of Reference MC Phono Cartridges.
    duraluminim (A7075) body, 24 carat 'Kinpaku' Gold Leaf finish, diamond cantiliver. .3mv output, 4 ohms. these are both special versions of the Etsuro Gold.

    one is mounted on the CS Port linear tracker.

    one is mounted on the Primary Control FCL arm.

    finest cartridge i have heard by a significant margin. WOW!
    • Audio Technica MC-2022 60th Anniversary cartridge
    uses the unified stylus cantilever design. which results in extreme lack of distortion and linearity. maybe the best i've heard at musical truth.

    mounted on the Durand Tosca tonearm on the NVS tt.
    • Koetsu Azule Platinum Stone Body, boron cantilever
    .3 Mv output moving coil cartridge. mounted on the Durand Telos 12" wood arm wand tone arm and NVS turntable.
    • Miyajima Labs --2--Infinity mono cartridge's.
    one Infinity cartridge has 0.7mil stylus for modern narrow groove mono pressings.

    one Infinity cartridge has 1.0 mil stylus for early wide groove mono pressings.
    • DS Audio Ion 001 Vinyl Ionizer
    generates positive and negative ions to remove static charge from vinyl records. i use this with my NVS turntable.
    • CS Port Static Eliminator IME1 (two of them)
    An unprecedented accessory focusing on cartridge friction. It suppresses the effects of static electricity and makes records clearer.

    one is on the CS Port tt, one on the Esoteric T1 tt.
    • Stage III Concepts 1.5 meter XLR set of Gorgon interconnects.
    high performance interconnects. used from the Wadax Reference dac to the darTZeel preamp.
    • Ampex twin ATR-102----one 1/4" and one 1/2" reel to reel master recorder
    hot rodded by ATR Service Inc----Andrew Kosobutsky. significant upgrades over stock. each interfacing with hot rodded Ampex MR-70 preamps.
    • Kosobutsky 1.5 meter set of RCA interconnects + 8 meter set of XLR interconnects.
    1.5 meter set of RCA interconnects are used between the EMIA phono corrector and the darTZeel preamp.

    8 meter set is used between the Ampex MR 70 tape preamps and the darTZeel preamp.
    • Nordost QRT QNET network switch
    Network switch, with Nordost Qsource power supply.
    • Synology 30 Terabyte NAS (a pair = 60 TB) music file storage
    mirroring music storage for my music files.
    • Taiko Tana (5 of them) Herzan TS-150 (2) + TS-140 (3)
    active isolation under 5 separate components: (1) the NVS turntable, (2) the MSB dac, (3) the darTZeel preamp, (4 + 5) both darTZeel mono block amplifiers. custom modifications by Taiko Audio add a linear power supply plus panzerholtz top layer + Daiza platform to provide full frequency resonance attenuation to each platform.
    • Taiko Audio Daiza isolation platform--22 used in the system
    Panzerholtz Platform with spiral cutouts reducing mid and high frequency resonance while retaining life and energy and not changing tonality.

    22 Daiza platforms in the system of various sizes under every piece of the signal path.
    • Adona Zero GTX rack---3 of them--each 4 shelf.
    all three with 27" x 21" turntable top.

    solid rack for best direct floor connection.
    • Evolution Acoustics 'system' power cables
    a new version of the TRPC model i used on my darTZeel 468 mono blocks for the last 10 years. a big step up.
    • Sablon Audio King power cord
    used on the Wadax Reference Server.
    • Absolute Fidelity power interfaces
    power cords specifically designed for either motors (tt and tape decks), amplifiers, and components. 11 in the system.
    • Tripoint Audio Troy Signature
    Grounding box for chassis grounding the darTZeel 458 mono block amplifiers + grounding the passive main towers of the Evolution Acoustics MM7 speaker system.
    • Tripoint Audio Elite
    Tripoint Elite grounding box. this does chassis grounding for my sources. it uses a a pair of Tripoint Thor SE Master Reference ground cables for my dart preamp and the MSB Select II dac. there are also 4 Signature Silver ground cables to the two arm boards of the NVS tt, the power supply of the NVS tt, and the SGM server.
    • Equi=tech 10WQ
    10kva balanced Isoltion transformer and distribution panel.
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF Rhodium duplex outlets
    10 in the system. used with 10 Furutech covers and frames. uses NCF (nano crystal formula) material to reduce noise by emitting negative ions.
    • Wave Kinetics A10 U8 decoupling footers
    8 sets-of-4 in the system for individual tuning of each piece of gear.
    • Auralex T-Fusor diffusers
    i use 20 of these. 6 each on the front side walls, and 4 each front ceiling and rear ceiling.
    • Klaudio Record Cleaning System
    automatic record cleaner
    • Acoustic Revive RL-30 mKIII CD-LP demagnatizer
    for demaging any disc.
    • Furutech DF-2 LP disc flattner
    will remove warps from Lps
    • Audiodharma Cable Cooker, Anniversary Ed.
    will cook any cables
    • Winds ALM-01 Stylus Force Gauge
    easy accurate, repeatable, measurments.
    • i-Tower by Koncept LED floor lamp
    (3) are used. best audio light ever. 2 'warm', 1 'cool'.
    • Quietrock THX 545 drywall
    specialized drywall with a 1/4" metal layer. used in my front sidewalls to establish proper room boundaries.
    • view...... what i look at...
    ...while listening. Rattlesnake Ridge.
    • Barn.... is....
    ....most of the ground floor. 29' x 21' x 11'.

Comments 3389

hello Phil,

sorry for the delay in my response; I'm not always paying attention to my Audiogon page.

I am using spikes for the feet as I have carpet over concrete and I wanted to make sure the feet got down to the concrete for the best connection. as far as the shelves I am using the flat leveling dampers; however, I'm also using two Herzan active isolation platforms with the Adona, one under my tt and one under my pre and digital player. so my Adona is supercharged. the two Herzan platforms are $12k and $10k each.

the Adona is ideal as a grounded rack for active isolation.


hello Lohan,

sorry for the delay in my response; I'm not looking at my Audiogon page often enough. as far as answering your questions;

the Wave Kinetic NVS compared to the Rockport; it's been 3 years now that the Rockport Sirius III has been gone from my system. i'd say that the NVS does do a little more of what I like than the Rockport; quieter backgrounds (when on the Herzan active isolation in my room), more space, a bit more pace; but these preferences are not large differences, they are quite subtle. more significant is that the NVS allows for other tone arms which is where the more significant performance differences are that allow the NVS to have higher ultimate performance than the Rockport. but again; both these tt's are at such a rarified level that both are top top level choices. and my own tastes and preferences are involved here. I know some simply prefer the sound of the linear tracking arms. so it's not a black and white issue of superiority.

I still miss the Rockport and wish I still could afford to own it and the NVS. the Rockport has an iconic position among tt's that is unique.

as far as the EMT948 it is a wonderful tt, but it's arm and cartridge are only very good, not top level. so as it sits in my room it is not in the same class as the NVS. if someone were to mount a great tonearm, such as the Durand Kairos you would have a world class vinyl front end.


You know, I'm sitting here listening to reel 2 of Abbey Rd, it is a 'reference' piece for me as well, and I'm finally able to appreciate the level of repro in your space... My space is much smaller and very 'live'. Naturally, I noticed only what was 'missing' in comparison t


hi Harvey,

it was a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the kind words. it was a fun session, and I hope you can visit again with some of your B.C. audio friends. let me know when and we will work out the details.

and no; other than at audio shows I don't have personal experience with the Strain Gauge cartridges, but really admire what Peter does.....sorry I cannot be more help.

best regards,


Wow! Thanks for hosting such a fantastic music 'experience'
You've put together an amazing system... And set it in a little corner of heaven!
What a treat, after seeing your system evolve and (revolve) on audiogon, to finally witness it!
I really admire your dedication to vinyl, and your dedication to 'the best'
If I'm fortunate enough to visit again I know just the record to bring!
The Anna and Durand- sublime.
Have you played with any of the strain gauge carts?
Thanks again!


Hi Mike - I am really curious about 2 things in ur system?:

1. the Wave Kinetics Turntable - is it better than the Rockport you had?
2. How come you have am emt 948 - how does it stack up in ur pantheon of turntables - u've perhaps had the most dream decks I can ever think of so I guess you should know



How did you find that the Adona Rack improved your system? Did you use spikes to support the rack or the flat feet that Paul recommends?

ON your supports did you stay with the leveling dampers or did you go with spikes facing up under each of the shelf's.


It's been over TEN YEAR'S since I inadvertainly named "the barn"?.
Wow... How time flies!
It is most admirable that even at the lofty heights you and your systems have attained you admit that there are always imperfections though you have always remained truly supportive and a consummate gentlemen!

Happy Listening rolls on...


Hi Mike,

What's your opinion on Zanden 9600 monoblocks, 2000 premium cd, 5000 Dac, 3000 preamplifier, 1200 phono stage?

Michael Moncrief


Hey Mike
Thanks for the great visit last week. The music sure sounds good at the barn. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better..... it did get better.
Take care and thanks for the great time.



I need to hear your system again, it's been too long. Maybe the blonde is still serving Pizza at that place under the bridge ?

I'm pleased you are enjoying your system, miss reading your posts about music and updates here as well.


hi David,

great to hear from you, i sure enjoyed your visit. i am well and trust you are too. sorry for the delay in response, i don't check on Audiogon every day to see what's happening.

glad you like the pictures. those Auralex T-Fusors were in those recesses when you visited last year......they have been there since 2011.....since before i got the MM7's. i have to admit that i've never specifically A/B'd those T-Fusors in those recesses so i cannot say with conviction excatly how much they do. the ones on the side wall definitly tame slap echo without changing the tonality or reducing energy. and they are cheap at $59 retail each.

the Herzan units (the TS-140 under the tt and the TS-150 under the dart pre and the Playback digital) really do the job in my system by lowering the noise floor and virtually eliminating any feedback from the speakers. with 7 foot tall, 750 pound, bass towers 8 feet away from my sources my system does benefit from the ultimate in isolation. the Herzan units replaced the Wave Kinetics passive isolation base for the tt, and the Wave Kinetics A10 U8 footers i was using under the pre and digital.

as far as characterzing the performance improvements it's a few things, all of which become more significant as the SPL's rise and the bass dynamics get crazyier. a level of ease and naturalness gets added, like any lowering of the noise floor you get an expension of the sound stage and ambient clues and get an increase in dynamic contrasts.. instruments and voices get a bit more real. lots of textures immerge previously lost in the noise floor. things like Cello growl, kettle drum texture, and piano note decay go to a whole different level. at low volumes these changes are more subtle although since you have essentially filtered out the ground noise effect there are real benefits at low volume. but the heavy lifting is the ease on musical peaks particulartly with heavy bass involved. the cartridge simply tracks those peaks better. some very husky voices which had caused slight distortion are now crystal clear.

i hope that answers those questions.

take care,


Hi Mike,

Nice to see updated photos of your room. Is it right to think you reintroduced the sound treatment panels in the recesses of the ceiling? When I was there you had removed them. Did you do that when the manufacturer came to voice the MM7s to the room?

Wondering how much improvement you've found with the new vibration isolation units. Would you characterize this just a bit? I don't recall what you previously had for this function.

Hope this finds you well.

Very Best,

David Kellogg


I've owned 4 Ekones Stressless chairs, and own one now. I also currently have a great Ekones sofa. the Stressless chair I own now I use in my rec room upstairs for watching sports. and for laying back and putting your feet up and watching TV it's great.

unfortunately for listening, the Stressless 'cups' the sound around the head so does mess with the sound in bad ways. also, when sitting at listening height it is about a '2-hour' chair.....meaning my back can handle about 90 minutes to 2 hours sitting up before it starts to get stiff and sore. at that point I need to constantly move my position around to stay comfortable. which is fine for TV but not for serious listening.

for my listening room I use a zero-gravity chair from The-Relax-The-Back store. the linked picture is from my old room. I've had this chair for 15 years and love it. if you want your feet supported then the challenge is to properly support your back. to do that requires a particular angle of your legs and back to distribute the weight and keep it off your tailbone. the 'zero-gravity' concept was developed by NASA for rocket launches. just google 'zero-gravity'.

if you don't need to support your feet and are sitting up I recommend the Aeron Side Chair. very comfortable with your feet on the floor. I have 2 of these.

since the 'zero-gravity' chair has a high back I move it out of the way when I have visitors and bring in the Cassina K10 Dodo which is very comfortable, and has a headrest and footrest which both retract. unfortunately it is also very expensive.




I'm looking for a small and comfortable chair that can also support your feet any ideas.


pictures of the one-in-the-world pre-production darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp.

front 1
front 2

this pic show the new phono adjustments, with the LED's off.
new cartridge gain and loading LED adjustments-1

here the LED's are on. you move the toggle back and forth to turn on the LED's and then adjust the gain and loading separately. it is quick and easy to do and can be done on-the-fly while listening.
new cartridge gain and loading LED adjustments-2


Spirit, no hurry; when it happens it happens. thanks.


Mike, I'm onto my Uk Entreq rep, who should be able to help w/the US side of things. Give me a little time, it's vacation season.


how much superior? it's like listening to something thru a doorway with the door openned half way, compared to the wall and door being removed. it sounded really really great and direct without limits with the 108, then goes to another level with the 458's. it's more an experiential thing in where the 458's take you.
Thanks for the reply Mike. I was afraid you were going to say that. :-) Back to the drawing board ... Hmm!



I'm open to listening to the Entreq if given the opportunity, and if you can push it on your end to make it happen i'll be glad to seriously investigate it. I hope it works out.

thanks in advance for your efforts. I'm always open to learning something new.


Mike, I believe grounding complements balanced power, and I'm somewhat confident it would bring impvts across the board to enhance and advance the EquiTech positives you're already experiencing. My Westwick Audio balanced transformer (in series with a dedicated ring main), is a pro studio grade unit, used in recording studios in london, and at 8kVA is poss the most OTT unit in the UK (EquiTech not distributed across The Pond) - my Entreq Silver Tellus just takes what the Westwick does and enhances it's effects all round. Lloyd here uses a combination of Entreq and Troy, and is ecstatic as to how it's maxxed out his Zanden/CJ/Wilson X1 system.
I don't know about Tripoint Troy, but Entreq in the UK are v.audiophile friendly, happy to do home demos. Would you like me to contact my UK rep and see if he can set up a taster thru the US distributor (which is just being announced)?


How much $$ for the NHB-18NS upgrade?

Before NHB-458, were you using 2 NHB-108? How did they compare to the NHB-458? NHB-458 is superior but how much superior?

hi Joe,

i have not yet heard about what it will cost to upgrade the current NHB-18NS dart preamp to the new version. i would recommend directly communicating with the darTZeel distributor or your dealer to get the right answer.

as far as the NHB-108 compared to the NHB-458; you are correct that back in 2004-2006 i used a pair of 108's bi-amped into the Von Schweikert VR9SE's....and that was a sweet combo.

i preferred the single 108 into the Evolution Acoustics MM3's (which i used from later 2006-2012) to the pair of 108's into the VR9SE's by a slight margin; both set-ups were very very good. i simply preferred the coherence and transparency of the ceramic mid-range ribbon tweeter of the MM3's to the mid-tweeter of the VR9SE.

the NHB-458 monoblocks are a significant upgrade from a single 108 or pair of 108's. the 458 is simply more refined, more transparent, has more grip, more detailed, and you see farther into the music. the 108 is top notch on all there areas given a reasonable speaker to drive. but the 458 takes all these attributes and raises them up a notch or three.

how much superior? it's like listening to something thru a doorway with the door openned half way, compared to the wall and door being removed. it sounded really really great and direct without limits with the 108, then goes to another level with the 458's. it's more an experiential thing in where the 458's take you.

and the 108 is so wonderful in it's own right that when you are listening to it everything is there and you want for nothing at all.


hi Spirit,

yes; it is likely that i'm at an 'end place' in system development based on my particular view of what i like.

regarding over-the-top grounding products such as the Entreq or Troy, you and i have exchanged our views before. and as before, i have some reasonable curiousity about what one of those products might other words i'm open minded. OTOH; i don't have enough curosity to spend the dollars to find out for i'm not open-checkbooked. my opinion is that with my Equi=tech whole system isolation transformer that any grounding approach which offers more transparency will find minimal opportunity to improve things.

as i've said before; if someone wants to ship me high level Entreq or Troy grounding products i'll try it and see if it can justify it's cost in my particular system.

i'm still a learing audiophile and don't want to give any impression that i know better than someone else about things. yet my money only gets used when i am sufficiently motivated.


Mike, great news re your positive experience w/the current iteration of the Dart pre. I notice on another forum board you say this pretty much announces your destination, reaching full potential of your long journey to ultimate sound quality.
I would really implore you to investigate grounding, whether Tripoint Troy or Entreq Silver Tellus/Atlantis. Everyone it seems incl. me who gets into this area, whether with a more modest system or something more uber, feel that it brings a major extra dimension to the listening experience that can't be achieved by simple component changes.
I humbly predict you'll find this "final frontier" in system augmentation as groundbreaking (or more) as your move to EquiTech balanced power - in my system, my 8kVA balanced transformer has bulked up the solidity and foundation of the sound, and grounding has crystallised the air and serenity of the soundstage.
Apologies if I seem to be trying to spend your money for you (as if!!!), but the effect of Entreq Silver Tellus grounding in my not inauspicious system has been radical to say the least.


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