
Won this from an auction. Old theater that was originally a neighborhood family theater that devolved into an adult theater. The Foster Theater from the south side of Youngstown Ohio. A little cleaning, sanding and sealing, fresh wire and some power and it sounds great, mono of course.

Room Details

Dimensions: 14’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • International Projector Company LU 1004 15in driver and LU 1060 Compression Horn LU 1004 and LU 1060
    Pulled from an old art (adult film) theater that was once a legitimate movie house. 
    Sounds great in mono. 
    • Ariston Ariston Amplifier
    Funny little integrated

Comments 7

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Thank you Jond and cymbop. It really fills the whole house with sound, very clear. I added an SVS streaming source so my wife and I can play whatever we want from any room.
